Most of the time, I’m a simple parent of two children, engineering the cloud with Go and various fancy Kubernetes controllers.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

Where can you find me? The easiest way is to check the Home Page.

If you are more interested in “CV-like” information, check the About section of my LinkedIn profile

You can also contact me on the Federated network, my Misskey instance: Efertone @ Slippy.

Topics of interest (tech):

  • Go
  • Kubernetes
  • Vim / Neovim
  • Rust
  • Python
  • Haskell

Topics of interest (non-tech):

  • Privacy for Everyone
  • Equal Rights
  • Support LGBTQ+ community (I’m not so social, but with personal interest, I try to do my best; more info on my Slippy account)
  • Gaming (it’s random; Tabletop, Videogames on various platforms)

As a hobby… I don’t know, I like experimenting with random technologies, services or basically anything that does not require me to invest like $2000 just to do some experiments.

(I worked in application security, but I left behind that field long time ago. I don’t have much time, motivation, and energy to keep my knowledge up-to-date on this field. I’m happy to help, but my knowledge is most likely outdated if it’s not an evergreen topic. If someone sent to me on this topic, let them know that’s an outdated recommendation.)

External resources on this site

I try to minimize the number of external dependencies and try to keep away all the non-privacy centered services. That’s why this site has zero external dependencies.

No ads, no trackers

Because of the reasons above, there are no ads, or any other trackers on this site. I hope one day we can see a lot more sites with this mentality.